Samstag, 27. Juni 2009

My Images on Getty Images. Part 2

As I told you before some images of mine are on Getty for sale and I had the chance to nominate five more to appear on Getty.  Yesterday I got the answer and they told me that they want 4 of the 5 images that I suggested. Pretty good percentage in my opinion. I was really surprised when I got their mail because they do not only want 4 of the 5 I suggested but even 4 other images that they found on my stream theirselves.

The images they also wanted are these ones:



I pretty much understand this selection, lets say I understand 3 of them but the last one is really not reasonable for me. Maybe this is hard for me to understand because Getty inconclusively looks for artistic images only but for simple images that show something special too. I shot this from a fitting room and it was pretty much a snapshot. At this day I have been really unsure about the question if I should upload it. Now I am really happy that I did.

If you want to have an overview about my shots on Getty you can get it here. But those news are not everything that is going on with Getty at the moment. The other thing is a second "Its your turn" action that gives me the chance to nominate 10 more images of myself for being added to the Getty collection. I was really happy when I heard that because Getty is the only way for me to earn some money with my photography and I am really interested in increasing my selling chances. So at the moment I am looking through my stream and making mind notes which images I could suggest. That is why I have created the "Getty" set on Flickr.

If you like to help me you can do this with simply nominating 10 images from that set. I would be happy if you would do that.

So lets see what comes out. My first overview of sales will be available at 20th of July and until that day I have no idea if there has been any sales made yet.

Freitag, 19. Juni 2009

Image Special UrbEx

Here are some results from saturdays trip. I really liked them but didnt feel they would be good enough to appear in my public flickr stream.

If you want to have a closer or look or you want to comment on them just click.
































Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009

Before/After "the store"

Here is the Before/After of my most recent shot "the store".

For information about the postpro please scroll down.

I really liked the raw shot but it definitely needed a touch up. So I copyied the image layer, converted it to BW and recolored it using the blending mode "color" and a low opacity. As you can see I used the original colors for that to achieve the same feeling that the original has. I almost only used the red, blue and the color of the wall. I didnt work with different tones.

At the end I changed the opacity of the BW layer to something around80%  to get some of the original colors back to the image and added a little texture from to get those darkened edges. Thats it!

This technique of recoloring was new to me and I used it the first time. I am really convinced of it already because this way you can get much more contrast in your image without loosing the colors.

Does somebody of you work with this technique? What could I improve? Have you got other postpro techniques that are worth the try? Tell me in the comments or via Flickr please

Thanks in advance and to all followers!!

Freitag, 5. Juni 2009

Before/After of "good old times"

This is the Before/After of my image "good old times".

I am really proud of the outcome because the change that happened to this image while postprocessing is pretty drastic. The scenery was really dark and so I had to do a long exposure to just see something at all. Even though the image was dark I found it lovely and I had to produce something nice out of it.

So I brightened it, added a nice, warm brown toning to it and strengthened the contrast. After that I stamped the black writing on the right box away. Thats it.

Dienstag, 2. Juni 2009

My "It's your turn" picks for Getty Images

As I have written several times before I have contributed images of mine to Getty Images. From today on they are on sale and available here.

As some of you may know Getty Images gives its Contributors the chance to suggest five more images of them to Getty to be added to their stock. They set no other limits than that only persons who already contributed are allowed to suggest images and that it can be no more than five.

I have a had a hard time deciding. I even asked the flickr community to help me with that issue. At the end I had to decide on my own. The problem for me was that I havent got any idea what kind of photography is good stock photography that means what is selling good. So I worked through my stream, making notes of the ones which could be good, striked off and worked through my stream again. I like so many of my own photographs but I knew that the ones that I like may not be the ones that sell best.

At the end I made my decision by especially looking for unique images that are one of a kind. I think these are the ones that dont have to fight the competition and are outstanding this way. I hope that I am right.

Here they are:

No Entry?!


Take the pill, live happily ever after

Down the wishing well

Enter the sky

That I suggested them does not mean that they will really go on sale. Getty will have a look at them and will decide if they qualify for their stock and if the quality is good enough for the high Getty standard.

Let's see what comes out.

Montag, 1. Juni 2009

Before/After "Nobody saw him again"

This is the Before/After of my last shot "Nobody saw him again"

I drove through the night, searching for motives and found this phone box that offered thousands of possibilities. I tried different things, this was the very best.

The postpro was a pretty easy one because I knew what I wanted to achieve. The hardest part was the cropping issue. This image seemed to be impossible to crop without cutting important or nice parts. I even asked d5e for help with that but at the end decided to use a square crop to support the square forms of the ceiling. I think it works.

Another nice one from that night is this one

It is almost SOOC. I only enhanced the saturation a little little bit but the rest is original. Just click on the image to comment if you want to.

Thanks for the visit.

Keep on followin'